- Undergraduate Service Courses:
The following are offered as compulsory courses for all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Technology and as electives for other students outside the Faculty.
Course Code Course Title Units
SET 002 Technology and Society 2
TPD 101 Engineer-in-Society 1
TPD 501 Industrial and Engineering Economics 2
TPD 502 Technology Policy 2
TPD 503 Production/Operations Management and Industrial Law 2
- Postgraduate Degrees:
The following degrees are offered at the postgraduate level:
- Master of Technology Management (M.Tech.M) Regular
- Master of Technology Management (M.Tech.M) Executive
- M.Sc. Technology Management
- Ph.D. Technology Management
Specific Objectives
- Develop in students a critical understanding of how Science and Technology can be harnessed for economic development.
- Enable students develop technology management strategy and link this with the overall business strategy and development.
- Equip students with a set of management skills in technology that would be required to create and implement innovation and change in the various functions of their organization.
The M.Sc./Ph.D. programmes in Technology Management have the following options of specialization:
- Research and Development (R & D) and Innovation Management: This option gives students a set of skills for directing research and development and for identifying and evaluating technological options, innovations and factors relating to their success and failure.
- Industrial Technology Management: This option is concerned with the design, organization, planning and control of the activities of technological business enterprises, whether in the profit or non-profit sector.
- Information Technology Management: Managers of technological and scientific organizations encounter a variety of management information systems required for day-to-day operations and long-range decision. These managers require competence to be able to use and manage such systems effectively especially in the face of rapid advancement of the technology of the systems. The option equips managers with the needed competence.
- Energy Planning and Management: This option equips the students with the broad rationale for energy planning to promote socio-economic development and improve citizens’ welfare and quality of life.
- Environmental Technology Management: Environmental Technology Management option prepares students to scientifically deal with environmental problems and to perform as an effective environmental policy decision makers both in public and private sectors.