M.O. Jegede

M.O. Jegede


NAME: JEGEDE Margaret Olusolape (PhD).

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: BSc Geography (University of Ilorin, Nigeria), MSc Geography (Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria), PhD Geography (Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria), MTech Management (Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria).

AREA OF SPECIALIZATION: Environmental Technology Management/Industrial Technology Management.


Dr. (Mrs.) Jegede is presently a Senior Research Fellow at the African Institute for Science Policy and Innovation, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The thrust of her works revolve around general environment, technology environment and environmental mapping as well as technology innovation and acceptability. Her studies have largely expanded the body of knowledge in the area of climate change which is a major factor in any technology adoption and adaptation. She has also worked on technology environment, land cover use, mapping, climate change and agro-climatology. Dr. (Mrs.) Jegede’s research areas include technology ergonomy and techmology application to health practices and management.

A major objective of the works of Dr. (Mrs.) Jegede is the achievement of a technology hazard-free environment.


Phone: +234-813 893 6276

Email Address: mojegede@oauife.edu.ng