- Undergraduates Courses
TPD 501: Industrial and Engineering Economics (2 Units)
Basic concepts, factors of productions, supply and demand, price elasticity analysis, business organization. The business firm production functions, price system and competition. Basic principles of Engineering Economy, cost concepts and analysis. Interests calculations, concept of equivalence and money-time relationships. Basic methods of engineering economy and their applications in valuation. Evaluating alternatives. Depreciation, taxation and replacement studies. Capital budgeting.
TPD 502: Technology Policy (2 Units)
The course content includes: Science, Technology and Development, Technological change and industrial development, government intervention in S & T in Nigeria and other developing countries, S & T Policy formulation and implementation. Policy statements, policy targets, policy instruments and strategies, monitoring devices and policy review. Technological capability and transfer of technology.
TPD 503: Production/Operations Management and Industrial Law (2 Units)
Principles of management. Decision theory. Basic concepts in production and operations management. Plant location and facility layout. Capacity management, inventory control, scheduling and network analysis. Quality control, replacement problems. Functions of Law, Basic principles of Nigerian Law. Engineers and Law of Contract, Law of Business Associations. Trademarks and Patents.
- Postgraduate Courses
TPD 601: Technological Economics (2 Units)
This course focuses on the use of economic principles in explaining the performance of technological and scientific organization, and the formulation of Science and Technology Policy. The micro-economy portion includes cost analysis, under alternative production technologies, demand analysis, introduction of technical progress and growth: government regulation, technological improvement and public policy. The macroeconomics section emphasizes the measurement, forecasting and interpretation of aggregate economic variables, stabilization policies and technological choice, business cycle, inventive activities and the rate of innovation.
TPD 602: Strategic Management of Technology (2 Units)
Definitions: Strategy, strategic management, and strategic decision making process, element of strategic management corporate strategy, business strategy, general strategy alternatives, R & D innovation strategy, technology strategy: R & D as a business, resource allocation to and within R & D, factors of R & D strategic formulation, setting the R & D strategic, strategic choice, implementation, evaluation and control of technology strategy, technology transfer, case studies.
TPD 603: Advanced Technology Policy (2 Units)
Economic theories of the role of science and technology in development; policy concepts and terminologies; role of government in the development and implementation of technological policies. Present situation of Science and Technology in Nigeria and other developing countries, technology policy formulation and implementation, setting policy targets, choosing policy instruments, policy implementation and monitoring devices. Economic analysis of Science and Technology Policy, case studies drawn from energy policy, regulation of technology, research and technology policy.
TPD 604: Management Accounting and Engineering Economy (2 Units)
Introduction to financial accounting, book keeping, assets, liabilities, journal and the ledger and financial statements. Topics in engineering economy include: basic methods in engineering economics, application of economics to engineering alternatives in planning; developing and managing technical costs, methods of estimating depreciation for valuation and accounting, financial tax policy and other factors influencing managerial decisions involving the expenditure of funds, budget determination, value analysis and engineering and replacement problems.
TPD 605: Quantitative Methods in Decision Making (2 Units)
The objective of the course is to provide analysts of technology-based organizations and public policy makers with a set of decision models. The course content includes introduction to organization theory, decision theory under certainty, uncertainty, risk, and conflict; linear programming, integer programming, goal programming, dynamic programming; input-output; models; game theory; Markov chains, inventory models; queuing theory, simulation models, network flows and transportation models, renewal models.
TPD 606: Technical Entrepreneurship and Venture Management (2 Units)
Basic elements of entrepreneurship, Commercial development of technical innovation; patents, licensing, market research; business development plans, feasibility appraisal; capital financing; accounting and management principles.
TPD 607: Research Methodology (2 Units)
The course is designed to aid students in carrying out thesis and/or dissertation research work. Topics include thesis and/or dissertation topic selection, problem identification, literature review techniques, research model development, sampling survey, probability theory and statistical inference analysis, test of hypothesis, analysis of variance, linear repression analysis, test of hypothesis, handling of errors and verification.
TPD 608: Project Planning (2 Units)
Project/Programme definition and prefeasibility phase; review of standards for the planning and evaluation of development projects, alternative investment criteria; choice of alternative discount rates in the cost-benefit analysis of private and public sector projects, estimate of economic costs and benefits from tradeable and non-tradeable goods, economic costs and benefits in undistorted and distorted markets, scale, timing, and inter-dependencies in project/programme selection, distributional effects of project/programme. Case studies in selected private or public sector projects/programme: agro-industrial, food processing, rubber industries petroleum industries and materials industries, electrification projects and health care etc.
TPD 609: Maintenance Management and Planning (2 Units)
Objectives and maintenance, planning and control; maintenance functions; reliability engineering; classification of maintenance, breakdown time distributions; replacement theory, guides to preventive maintenance policy; maintenance records and standards.
TPD 610: Management of Technological Innovation (2 Units)
The process of technological innovation, technology as a conversion process, R & D in the firm, R & D strategy, creativity and problem solving; R & D project selection and evaluation; models for transferring R & D results from the laboratory to the industry, financial evaluation of R & D projects, R & D programme planning and control, organization for innovation, market penetration models of innovation, governmental policies for innovation, technological forecasting for decision making and case studies.
TPD 611: Plant Location Analysis (2 Units)
Basic production decisions, input and output relations; industrial location and political economy; factors in location of manufacturing plants; spatial economic analysis, the problems of industrial location for development, industry and environment, and case studies of plant locations. Plant Layout and case studies.
TPD 612: Production Technology Management (2 Units)
Topics to be considered are manufacturing and operations strategy; product design and development, quality; performance measurement, plant and machinery acquisition and replacement decisions, scheduling, planning and control of production and inventory, logistic modeling; impact of advanced manufacturing technology; the influence of Japanese Management such as Just-in time (JIT) and total quality management
TPD 613: Marketing Research (2 Units)
Marketing Research and decision-making, scope of marketing research, sources of information, executing market research studies; problems of accuracy; behavioural and motivational research; data analysis and marketing research reports.
TPD 614: Information System and Technology Management (2 Units)
Acquisition and use of various computer-based resources to support organizational objectives, planning, organizing and controlling of the resources. Different modes of information processing-time-sharing, batch processing, on-line, real time, etc and their merits. Administration of information processing resources; in-house computer centres, service bureau, centralization versus decentralization and their relationship to the management structure of the firm.
TPD 615: Advanced Manufacturing Technology Management (2 Units)
Total quality management (TQM): Understanding quality, total quality management approach, organization for quality, implementation of field quality, Just-in-time (JIT) processing, material requirement planning (MRPS), automation and intelligent machines, homework and new technology, and other topics in productivity management.
TPD 616: Energy Economics and Policy (2 Units)
Survey of energy demand models, estimating demand elasticities for energy inputs, inter-fuel substitution, policy implication, sectoral energy forecasting models; energy with special reference to the West African sub-region, energy consumption and economic growth; exploitation of fossil fuel resources under alternative licensing regimes, survey of models of OPEC behavior, benefit costs and risk from alternative electricity generating energy sources, non-conventional energy supply costs under alternative technologies; environmental impacts of energy production from alternative sources.
TPD 617: Business and Competition (2 Units)
Perfect competition; market competition, the mobility of resources for industrial competition, time and competition; the theory of competition; alternative concepts and policies, the minimum conditions for competition; price and non-price competition empirical evidence of competition.
TPD 618: Development Theory and Planning (2 Units)
Review of principal theory and models of economic growth, introduction to modern planning techniques, plan formulation, implementation and appraisal, critical evaluation of selected contemporary third-world planning efforts with special emphasis on Africa and the Caribbean countries, Science and Technology Planning in developing countries, integration of science and technology planning with economic development plan.
TPD 619: Data Management (2 Units)
Computer applications in the design and implementation of data systems. Introduction to data bases. Data collection and processing in developing countries. Problems of inadequate data base for planning in developing countries. Needs and objectives of technical information storage, retrieval and abstracting. Computer-application in technical information systems.
TPD 620: Energy Planning Methodologies (2 Units)
The broad rationale of energy planning is to make the best use of energy resources to promote socio-economic development and improve citizens’ welfare and quality of life. Topics are; energy and rational economic planning models; regional growth, forecasts and energy development; impact analysis, short, medium and long term planning and forecasting methodologies.
TPD 622: Science, Technology and Society (2 Units)
Relations between Science, Technology and Society; effects of technological changes on organizational structures and human systems; relations between technological and social change; effects of science and technology on society at large.
TPD 624: History of Science and Technology (2 Units)
Origin of Science and Technology in Africa; Scientific thoughts in the 16th and 17th centuries; emergence of industrial capitalism in the 18th century; historical analysis of the growth of modern technology.
TPD 626: Technology Assessment and Evaluation (2 Units)
Brief history of technological development of the last 2000 years, current development in information and communication technologies, biotechnologies, materials and energy technologies, managing technologies; images, theories and myths. New technologies, Work organization and de-skilling theory and evidences. Technological forecasting and techniques, technology assessment, technological risk and unhealthy technological acquisition and information sources, intellectual property; safety and environmental regulations.
TPD 628: Environmental and Resources Engineering (2 Units)
The influence of people and society’s institutions on physical environment, study of the theory and methods of land use economics and the application of economic analysis and regional planning. Problems in environmental science and policy, local and global effects of air pollution; waste management, study of the chemical, physical and meteorological principles of air pollution and control. Water resources, urban and rural ecosystems. Environmental communication, cleaner production concepts and methods.
TPD 641: Introduction to Technological Economics (2 Units)
The rudiments of microeconomics: human behavior effects on price, supply and demand schedule, price equilibrium, utility of demand, price elasticity of demand, income-elasticity and cost elasticity of demand, production functions, revenue and profit from sales, opportunity cost of limiting resources. Macroeconomics: measurement, forecasting and interpretation of aggregate economic variables, economic reforms and S & T systems.
TPD 642: Introduction to Science, Technology and Society (2 Units)
Relations between Science, Technology and Society; effects of technological changes on organizational structures and human systems; relations between technological change and social change; effects of science and technology on society at large and technology assessment.
TPD 643: Introduction to Management (2 Units)
Nature and evolution of management thoughts; planning and decision making; management of human resources and communication; control functions of management, motivating and leading; international business management; introduction to business law and government regulations.
TPD 644: Technological Change and Innovation (2 Units)
Basic concepts of technological change – definitions, measures, theory and determinants of technological change, models of technological change; technological progress and performance; innovation, research and development (R & D); resource allocation to R & D. Technological diffusion and substitution, industrialization, technological change, output and employment, technology and structural change, government and non-government influence on technology.
TPD 645: Fundamentals of Development Theory and Planning (2 Units)
Theories of economic growth and planning, technology and economic growth plan formulation, implementation and appraisal, S & T planning in developed and developing countries, S & T and economic planning
TPD 646: Production and Operations Management (2 Units)
Product design and development; plant and machinery acquisition and replacement decisions; scheduling, planning and control of production and inventory; impact of advanced manufacturing technology; total quality management; material requirement planning, just-in-time processing.
TPD 647: Science Technology and Society (2 Units)
Concepts and definitions in technology policy studies, Science and Technology system, policy formulation and implementation, policy target and policy instruments, policy review and analysis, technology policy in Nigeria and other countries.
TPD 648: Technology and Business Competition (2 Units)
Concepts and techniques of strategic management – elements of strategic management, industry situation and competitive analysis; Technology strategy – technology and industrial structure, technology and competitive advantage, technology choice, partnership and strategic technology structure, process and culture; strategic planning in small businesses.
TPD 649: Research Methodology (2 Units)
Project/thesis writing, selection of topics, problem identification, objective setting, literature review, research plan, research design, methods of data collection, participatory techniques, interview, questionnaires etc. Simple statistics, mean, mode, median, probability theory, hypothesis testing, linear and multiple regression analyses, analysis of variance.
TPD 650: Introduction to Management Science (2 Units)
Decision environments, decision theory, inventory models, linear programming, integer programming, dynamic and goal programming, transportation, simulations, waiting line models and network analysis.
TPD 651: Basic Elements of Engineering Economics (2 Units)
Cost concept and analysis, principles of money-time relationship, basic methods in engineering economy, comparing alternatives, depreciation and depletion. Evaluation of alternatives on after-taxes bases, replacement problems, evaluating public projects, dealing with inflation and price changes, multi-attributed decisions in engineering economy.
TPD 652: Energy and Environmental Management (2 Units)
Energy demand models, estimating demand elasticities for energy inputs, interfuel substitution, sectional energy demand and forecasting models, energy conservation and public policy, energy consumption and economic growth, energy and national economic problems in environmental science and policy, local and global effects of air pollution, waste management, study of physical, chemical and meteorological principles of air pollution and control, water resources, environmental communications, cleaner production concepts and methods.
TPD 653: Introduction to Technical Entrepreneurship (2 Units)
Indigenous entrepreneurship in Nigeria; forms of business ownership; the choice of business enterprise; pre-investment evaluation of projects; market analysis; development of technical innovation; financial and technical feasibility studies; preparation and implementation of business plan; financing the business.
TPD 655: Information Technology Management (2 Units)
Definitions and concepts in information technology, modes of information processing – time-sharing, batch processing, on-line, real time etc. administration of information processing resources, in-house computer centres, service bureau, centralization versus decentralization and their relationship to the management structure of the firm. Networking, LAN, WAN, Internet.
TPD 657: Project/Long Essay (6 Units)